Having trouble logging in or have questions about your donations? Note: After 5 unsuccessful attempts, your account will be locked. Please try again in 10 minutes or contact OVC Pet Trust at ovcpet@uoguelph.ca or (519) 824-4120 ext.54695. Consent Please let us know if or how we should contact with you in the future. Login Username: Password: Remember login Forgotten password
Having trouble logging in or have questions about your donations?
Note: After 5 unsuccessful attempts, your account will be locked. Please try again in 10 minutes or contact OVC Pet Trust at ovcpet@uoguelph.ca or (519) 824-4120 ext.54695.
Donations through the Vet Portal are processed daily and notification letters sent weekly. Thank you for your ongoing support.
To learn more about the Vet Portal, Watch our short tutorial video